Annexure-I Seat Matrix
Annexure-II Infrastructure
Annexure-III (Trust Deed)
Annexure-IV Library
Annexure-V Clinical Material In Hospital
Annexure-VI Total Teaching Staff Infromation (Approved + Not Approved) as per MSR
Annexure-VII Total Subject-wise Teacher List (Approved + Not approved)
Annexure-VIII Details of Part Time Teachers
Annexure-IX Total Non- Teaching Staff & Ancillary Services Information
Annexure-X Information of Workshops, Activities performed in last one year
Annexure-XI Information of Biometric Attendance, Research Articles, Student Welfare Schemes
Annexure XII AISHE (All India Survey of Higher Education) Certificate
Annexure XIII For Online Transmission of Question Papers
Annexure XIIIA Subject wise Eligible Examiners List (UG Courses) Excel format in pen drive , website and Hard Copy
Annexure XIIIB Subject wise Eligible Examiners List (PG Courses) Excel format in pen drive , website and Hard Copy
Annexure XIV Result of last three Semester Percentage
Annexure XV Minimum Hostel Facility As Per MSR
Annexure XVI Declaration by the Dean / Principal of the College / Institute