Principal's Message
I feel dignified and honored to be a part of nursing profession. Nursing has evolved completely from traditional nursing to concrete research based with enhanced objective, evidence based nursing. Pandemic has changed the global atmosphere in terms of education and services of all kind. Professional practices have become “HI-TECH”.Despite enhancing its wing by various up gradations in form of diploma and degree programmes,scientific advancement, and research nursing is deeply rooted in human values, love compassion and care. During the recent year our college has taken a giant leap to strengthen excellence in academics,clinicalpractice,cultural activities also in placement of our students at various parts of country and abroad as well.Outbreak of covid and its subsequent waves have shown the reality and emphasized the need of strengthening of health care system. Nursing profession is highly demanded profession worldwide, now again employment opportunities are at reverberation. With a great sense of proud we are bound to provide highly skilled educated and competent nursing personnel to nation with hope to contribute forstrengtheningthe base of health care system. Thank you Jai hind Jai Maharashtra…..
Prof. Vishakha Ganvir
Child Health Nursing